Thursday, 12 February 2009


I have just taken this on our way home from school, it is truly snowing 'heavens high' it started earlier this afternoon, and its coming thick and fast, the best bit for the kids is its laying not too good for me as I have to drive through it.
We had a snowball fight on the front of our house, I,m sure the neighbours must think I,m mad, but I dont care. Hollie is a good aim now and managed to get lots down the back of my coat, it was freezing, and one right on my freezing ear, I did get her back but was enjoying throwing stuff at her way too much and reminded myself she is only 9.
Anyway, hope your all having fun in the snow if you have any, and remember your never too old to make a snowman or throw a few snowballs, go on it feels good.

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